Raquel DeAbreu of Sabrina's Café

Raquel DeAbreu of Sabrina's Café

Photo:Sabrina's Café

Philadelphia, PAPhiladelphia, PA - Sabrina's Café, the locally grown group of popular breakfast, lunch, and brunch restaurants, is co-owned and operated by Raquel DeAbreu. Raquel opened Sabrina's Café in late-April 2001 with her husband, Robert DeAbreu. She named the new venture after her newborn baby Sabrina Isabella.

6 Holiday Coffee Drinks to Ask your Barista to Make

Holiday Coffee Drinks

Holiday Coffee Drinks

Coffee ChristmasPhiladelphia, PA - These drinks won’t be featured on the menu boards inside the cafes, so you’ll have to know what to ask for when Jack Frost starts nipping at our noses, nothing gets us roasty-toasty from the inside out like a festive coffee drink. If your barista isn't familiar with the ingredients make sure you know what goes into these festive drinks.

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