Where to Find The Best Mojitos in Philadelphia

Where to Find The Best Mojitos in Philadelphia

Where to Find The Best Mojitos in Philadelphia

Mojitos in PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA - Mojitos are refreshing, sweet, and fizzy drinks. The classic Mojito contains six ingredients: white rum, fresh lime, sugar, simple syrup, and club soda. Modern mojitos can contain a variety of flavors, including a mix of gin and pineapple juice. The newest addition to the mixto menu is a pineapple mojito. Try this refreshing drink and see what the fuss is all about!

How To Make Simple Syrup For Cocktails

How To Make Simple Syrup For Cocktails

How To Make Simple Syrup For Cocktails

Making Simple Syrup For CocktailsPhiladelphia, PA - One of the essential ingredients in a cocktail is simple syrup. This sweetener blends with other liquids to make a delicious cocktail. Luckily, You can make simple syrup with different kinds of sugar. While the classic recipe calls for one part sugar to one part water, you can experiment with different types of sugar to create your perfect cocktail. Try adding some berries or herbs to the simple syrup to add some extra flavor. In fact many popular bars and restaurants in Philadelphia make their own simple syrups, such as Philadelphia's Red Owl Tavern.

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