Philadelphia Chefs You Should Know About

Philadelphia Chefs You Should Know About

Philadelphia Chefs You Should Know About

Philadelphia Chefs Philadelphia, PA - You're missing out if you haven't heard of these local culinary icons yet. You can learn more about the work of Marc Vetri, Jose Garces, Stephen Starr, and Michael Solomonov below. Also, read about the careers of the chefs themselves. We've also listed the latest events and specials at their restaurants.

Philadelphia's History in Steering the Nations Politics

Philadelphia's History in Steering the Nations Politics

Philadelphia's History in Steering the Nations Politics

When delegates gather in Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention in summer 2016, all eyes will be on the nation’s birthplace. Having hosted numerous political conventions, including the 2000 Republican gathering and the 1948 conventions for all three parties (Democratic, Republican and Progressive), Philadelphia is used to being in the political spotlight Philadelphia, PA - Having hosted numerous political conventions, including the 2000 Republican gathering, the 2016 Democratic meeting, and the 1948 conventions for all three parties (Democratic, Republican, and Progressive), Philadelphia is used to being in the political spotlight. It was here where disgruntled colonists created a new form of government, and today many of the places where those meetings, debates, and activities took place still stand. Here are a few iconic locations with deeply rooted connections to the American political process:

What is a Mummers String Band?

What Are Mummers String Bands

What Are Mummers String Bands

Mummers String BandsPhiladelphia, PA - Mummers String Bands have a unique sound and costume. Their costumes are made from sequins, feathers, and brilliant materials. They meet each week throughout the year. The String Bands' productions are influenced by drum corps drills, high-level marching bands, Broadway staging, and elaborate props. They often compose their arrangements of music. They also use choreography.

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