What is Kansas City Barbeque?

What is Kansas City Barbeque?

Kansas City BBQ Brisket

KC BBQ"Kansas City Barbecue" is a regional-style barbecue, originating in the pits of Pitmaster Henry Perry in the early 20th century in Kansas City (KC). A traditional Kansas City barbecue platter includes beef ribs and lamb ribs, served with a sweet KC barbecue sauce.

Del Rossi's "The Brooklyn Pie" in Northern Libs

Del Rossi's Cheesesteak & Pizza Co. in Northern Libs

Photo: Artisanal Pizzas at Del Rossi's

Del Rossi's Philadelphia, PA - Philly is a popular place for a slice, and the Philadelphia region is home to many independent pizza shops. One such shop gaining some notoriety these days is Del Rossi's Cheesesteak a Pizza Co, located at 538 N. 4th Street in Philadelphia. It is a popular spot for Artisanal Pizzas and a twist on the classic pie.

What is Carolina Barbeque?

What is Carolina Barbeque?

What is Carolina Barbeque?

What is BBQ CarolinaWhat is Carolina Barbeque? If you love to barbecue, you have probably heard of Carolina Barbeque but don't know what it is. You may think of a country kitchen or a bar with live music on weekends. But this is far from true. There are many different styles of barbecue, including some that are based on the American style. Here are a few things to know about Carolina Barbeque. This is a delicious way to grill meats.

The History of Oysters in Philadelphia

The History of Oysters in Philadelphia

The History of Oysters in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, PAOysters in Philly - The history of oysters in Philadelphia starts with the earliest oyster vendors, who began selling the fresh catch from their carts on the streets. By 1881, there were 379 oyster bars in Philadelphia.

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